New Hope Counseling Center
A place of Hope, Healing, and Real Life Change
New Hope is a work of God’s heart…it isn’t a building or a place. It’s God’s heart for people—those who are lost…those whose lives are being destroyed…those who are complacent or lack zeal. God’s heart is for every person to experience individual intimacy with Him, and to know and have His divine purpose for their life.
The Bible Says We Can:
Trade ashes for beauty.
Trade mourning for comfort and joy.
Trade a spirit of heaviness for a covering of praise and peace.
Trade persecutions for rewards.
Think about this... if you could trade the pain or the problems you have for something better, would you trade?

Our Services Include:

Biblical Counseling for all issues
Caring Support
Individual Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Biblical Counselor Training
Discipleship Training
Discipleship Classes
Opportunities for Ministry
New Hope's Biblical Counseling Program is called: "Turning the Battle." Whether it is addiction, depression, or any other emotional, relational, or spiritual problem, beginning this Biblical Counseling Program will mark "The Turning Point" in the person's battle.
We are set up and operated as a home-mission work, and all of our faith-based counseling services are provided free of charge. Our only requirement for counseling is a sincere commitment and desire for change.
How can we help people no matter what the issue?
The New Hope Biblical Counseling Program is the answer. It covers the eight main root problems which all emotional, relational, and spiritual problems stem from. If you cover the roots properly first, the issues tend to disappear along the way.
Counseling is done at our Centerville, IA location, with satellite locations also available in Moravia and Albia, Iowa.
Real Life Change
Shawn & Holly
Before New Hope our personal lives were a mess, our children were suffering, and our marriage was split. New Hope taught us to order our private lives, develop our potential, and to release ability. Together we now serve in ministry, reaching out to people all over.
I was in bondage for many years, even as a Christian I had a lot of knowledge, but still had many issues dwelling in my heart. God used New Hope to reveal the lies that I had believed about myself and about God. I once struggled with anxiety, but now I have peace. I once was heavy in depression, but now I have joy. Where there was bondage, I now have freedom. God has used New Hope to bring redemption, healing, and wholeness to every area of my life.
When I came to New Hope, I was amazed at the love and support I immediately felt. I was seeking healing and forgiveness from childhood trauma and years of a sinful lifestyle. I felt no judgment from my counselors; only a deep desire to help and a sense of belonging. New Hope has completely transformed my life. I have never been more on fire for God and committed to His Word. I have a sense of peace and joy beyond understanding; even through life's daily trials. I have developed deep relationships with other strong Christian women and have an overwhelming appreciation for them. New Hope has been life changing for me and there are no words to express the depth of my gratitude. I would like to personally thank all the donors that support New Hope. The impact it has made in my life is something I will forever be grateful for. It not only affects me, but my children and the people God places in my life. I wish every single believer would take the time to go through this course. It's the best thing I have ever done for my personal growth.
When I came to New Hope I was down and had no hope. New Hope gave me peace all the time.